UK Modern Slavery Act

The LYCRA Company UK Ltd – Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement year ended 2020
This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31st December 2020. It sets out the steps we have taken to deal with the risk of slavery in our business and to ensure that there is no human trafficking in our supply chain.
Our Company: The LYCRA Company produce exceptional fiber and technology solutions for the global apparel and hygiene industries, as well as specialty chemicals used to create quality spandex (elastane).
Our Culture: We are fully committed to operating Ethically and in full compliance with all laws and regulations. Our seven Company Principles clearly articulate the behaviors that all employees must adhere to and are the foundation of our Company Culture.
We train our employees on our Principles, including:
Our Ethics and Compliance Principle, which requires employees to:
Exhibit strong principled behavior.
Comply will all laws and regulations.
And our Humility and Respect Principle, which requires employees to:
Treat everyone with respect and appreciate the value of diversity.
We also ensure that our internal management processes and policies are legally compliant and aligned with our Principles, including our recruitment, onboarding, performance and talent management processes.
Our Code of Conduct: We take the subject of human slavery very seriously, as per our Code of Conduct which states:
Forced Labor / Human Slavery - Do not use forced labor or in any manner support human trafficking.
Through training on our Code of Conduct, and ongoing dialogue on our Principles, we ensure that our commitment to integrity and lawfulness is embedded in the workforce.
Employees are encouraged to apply sound judgment, critical thinking and the courage to do the right thing, even if that means the loss of a business opportunity.
We have provided multiple channels for employees to confidentially and anonymously report any compliance concerns, including concerns about slavery or human trafficking, without fear of retaliation or harassment.
Our Training: In 2020, we identified and tested a suitable new training course and in 2021 we will provide training to increase awareness of modern slavery and human trafficking, so that supervisors can understand and identify these risks, and use the mechanisms available to report.
Our Compliance Expectation on Suppliers: Our expectations regarding forced labor and human slavery are also made clear to our raw material suppliers and contractors.
Whilst we consider our risk of exposure to modern slavery to be limited in our supply chains, we expect our suppliers and contractors to demonstrate a zero-tolerance approach to exploitation.
Publication: A copy of this statement can be found on
Approval: This statement is written evidence of The LYCRA Company’s commitment to stamp out forced labor, slavery and human trafficking. It is approved by our UK Board of Directors
Chris Brown
Global controller
The LYCRA Company UK Ltd No. 10810919
One, St. Peter's Square, Manchester, United Kingdom, M2 3DE, United Kingdom.